Monday, 13 June 2011

Representation In Media

In today's ICT lesson, we looked at "Representation In Media". 

Here are some basic points.

•By definition, all media texts are re-presentations of reality. 
•They are composed, lit, written, framed, cropped, captioned, branded, targeted and censored by their producers.
• They're fake versions of the reality we believe around us. 
• Without media, our view of the world would be very limited
• We need the media to make sense of reality. 
• The influence the media exerts has a major impact on the way we view the world.
• Media representations can reinforce or shatter our view on things. 
• There wasmass manipulation in the 1920s and 1930s. 
• We decode the different layers of truth/fiction.
• You must consider:

    • Who produced it?
    • What/who is represented in the text?
    • How is that thing represented?
    • Why was this particular representation (this shot, framed from this angle, this story phrased in these terms, etc) selected, and what might the alternatives have been?
    • What frame of reference does the audience use when understanding the representation?

Male and Female stereotypes and representation normally based on these aspects:

Typically masculine
Typically feminine
