Monday 13 September 2010


Blogging can be a fun, exciting thing way to tell people what you're up to or express yourself but it can cost you your job, your place at school or EVERYTHING! From researching about this, I have learned what to do and what not to do. Hopfully you will too, here are some examples of blogging gone wrong!

Ellen Simonetti

Here is one example and probably one of the most famous examples of blogging gone wrong. This is Ellen Simoetti or known as in her blogs "Queen Of Sky", she posts stories about her job as a flight attendant Delta Airlines and calls it "Diary of a Flight Attendant". She revealed the airlines information and took photos of herself posing inappropriately in her airline uniform, after a while she was caught and got suspended from her job. She tried to fight back but ended up being fired!

Mark Jen
Mark Jen was an ex-worker for Google and also used to work for Microsoft. After 11 days at his new job for the most powerful search engine sites on the Internet, he was fired. On his first day of his job, he already was blogging all about it, blogging about the positives, negatives and comparing it to Microsoft. After being fired, he realised what he did wrong and apologised to Google but still didn't earn his job back.

Those are just two examples out of A LOT in the world, if you would like to read more about blogging gone wrong here are a few more examples you can read up on: 

After reading this, you now know what could happen if you blog innapropriatly. Here are some of the things that I will try to do to keep my blog appropriate and school related:
I will not post any photos of myself or my friends.
I will not reveal any private information like my full name, my school, my adress, my age... etc.
I will not post anything not to do with school or anything a little off topic.

Hopefully you could follow these rules do making our internet a safer place and more fun and enjoying for others. 

Monday 6 September 2010

What I'm Learning In Humanities

I chose this video to post because in Humanities we are currently studying Weathering and Erosion.  I liked because this video is because it's not like a bunch of old scientists explaining what it is without breathing and speaking in the same tone all the way boringly, its a bunch of cartoons with energetic voices, in this video they explain it using superheros from a video game and how one superhero (breaker) who breaks things and changed the surroundings like weathering and the other (swoosh) takes all the remains away like erosion! I prefer being taught like this instead of having a sheet of paper where we have to memories a whole bunch of words. This video mainly summarises what i already know and confirms that i'm certain of the basics on the subject, maybe this video will either help you with your studies or teach you knew things!


This is my learning blog where I will be posting my school work here! It will be my school year online journal, later on in the year I'll probably look back and see all the great things I've done bringing back happy memories, I might consider using it out of school and posting everything I have done here too. From this blog hopfully I will be learning about how to create a blog and how to do different functions on it, I hope I will have also learned how to write formally, keep everything school related and keep the standard of my writing up.