1) Keep it simple and short by using descriptive language words and describe it in as few words as possible. Imagine the page you need and are searching for, what do you think the title would be? What words do you think would be repeated through out the whole thing?
2) Use phrase search to narrow down your search using “”. Google searches stuff with each word you put into the search bar and checks for pages where those words repeat the most. Using “” narrows it down and only checks for the phrase that repeats. E.g. “Food in China” instead of “Food” “In” “China”.
3) Search within a site using (: ). Type in your search words, then a “:”, the type in the website you want to search within. E.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/:Science Will search stuff about science on the BBC website.
4) When searching with words that have multiple like cod, it has multiple meanings like the fish and the game. If you were only looking for stuff about the fish for example use a “-“ minus sign to show you want those words excluded. E.g. “Cod -The game”, make sure u have a space after the search words or else it would act as a hyphen.
5) The one I think I use the most when researching is the “OR operator”. When you first start to research something your never really sure on the exact details but you probably know the outline. So, when you aren’t sure on a detail about for example Egypt and the year the tombs were found if it was either 1945 or 1976 (?) just type in OR in capitals. E.g. “Egypt Tomb Discovery in 1945 OR 1976”
Hopefully these tips have helped you improve and save precious time “Googleling”, these have helped me a lot giving me more time for to check stuff and improve on my work! If you want to read more about other Google searching tips check out these websites:
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